I titled my page “Morgan’s Hope and Faith because I believe that without hope and faith, we would be lost, afraid, angry, irritated, negative, and more. I know that because during my junior year of high school, I didn’t have hope or even faith, but that’s a story for later. Today’s blog is for you to get to know me.

   My name is Morgan Smoker. I am a strong Christian woman and I love the Lord with all of my heart. I love to worship and praise the Lord. He did everything for us and I am so thankful for that!

   When I was 15, I made the decision to get baptized, and I’m so glad I did. It was the best decision that I ever made. 

   I have been told that I have the most faithful heart and a beautiful spirit. People tell me that when I smile at them, they can see Jesus in me. I am also a very caring person.

   Sometimes I am down but I keep reminding myself that the Holy spirit is inside of me and will lift me back up. I stay positive because being negative all the time doesn’t help anything.

   I was born with a disorder called “glutaric acidemia” and I have been in a wheelchair since I was 2. I can’t walk, talk, or control my hands, yet I am the happiest person. I have learned to enjoy this life I’ve been given and to live it to the fullest.

Like I said, I can’t communicate verbally, but I have an assistive device attached to my wheelchair that helps me type out my thoughts & feelings (and sarcastic comments), which is how I’m writing this blog (also, with the help of the greatest cousin ever named Brookie). Additionally, I have a camera attached to my computer where I can capture some of God’s most beautiful artwork. I am so thankful for both of these things. I love taking pictures. If you ever want any pictures taken, I would be happy to take some for you!

Even though I am not like most people, I still have the power to impact others’ lives, and I am looking forward to sharing a lot more about that in my future blogs. Until then, have a great week, and keep your head up.